
Galerie Bettina
2, rue Bonaparte, 75 006 Paris

01 46 33 72 98
du lundi au vendredi, 14h – 19h
samedi, 11h – 19h


Styliste papier

Christine Guillemin

The balancing game of bronze

Christine Guillemin’s fascination for Giacometti is recognisable at first glance. It appears in her slender silhouettes, gushing out of a raw and mineral material. Christine Guillemin is a free artist. Free to experiment. Through various processes and techniques, she gives each of her artworks the space to live according to a singular staging. As for bronze, it remains her one and only material.

Each sculpture, extended to the animal world, results from an in-depth research on an attitude, a movement, a balance within a specific space.
In her latest work, she sculpts nature and pursues her quest for harmony between the plant and animal world.

Christine Guillemin was born in Paris in 1959.
She made her first sketches in Villa d’Alésia and trained with Jonathan Hirschsfeld in 1993.